Sunday, March 16, 2008
Today Lainie spent over an hour outside driving her car in the front yard. All - by - herself! I am loving the fact that she is old enough to venture out into the world on her own, but I still feel guilty that I am not right in the middle of her fun. I know you are supposed to "give them space" and I really do try (sometimes because I'm plain busy and sometimes due to forcing myself to leave her alone.) Today she wore treds through the grass with the circle after circle she made with her Ford F150 Monster Truck. (Can you tell which part of Santa Claus influenced that purchase?) We love you Daddy! Lainie and I can't wait until the Bluegrass Museum Remodeling Project is complete so Daddy can enjoy our afternoon rides too! Miss you Daddy!


vlmeans said...

Is that Red in the back of the truck?