Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Let's just say marrying a man from a rival high school and then living in that rival town has been a growing experience on my personality.

Some background. I am from Maysville. Although I moved there when I was 12, from Northern KY, I consider M-ville my hometown. My grandparents are from there. All my aunts and uncles live there (minus one or two). When people have weddings in my family, it is there. The church I belong to is there. My high school reunions are there. My parents are there. My hand prints in the wet cement at the flood wall downtown from June of 94 are there. That is my hometown.

I walk into Wal Mart and either smile huggingly to greet the person I haven't seen in a while or I quickly turn down the jam and jelly aisle to avoid someone I never want to see again. Oh - quit, you do it too! Maysville is my hometown. Mason County is my high school. I am a Royals fan. I bleed blue.

Yet, I live in Winchester. Home of GRC. Cardinals play ball here and they are red. My nieces play Clark Co. sports. My nephews play Clark County sports. I own t-shirts and pull overs that are red and black and white. I even painted the 6 x 6 foot cardinal in the GRC concession stand last summer. The kids ask me to their games. I go. I am a family member and I am faithful to the family. I wear red. I cheer and clap. I sit and mingle with the locals. I am a Cardinal during the day. I feel that I do pretty good. That is, until they play Mason Co. Then all bets are off.

Well now I am raising a new generation of Royal / Cardinal fans. Lainie has t-shirts from both teams. Paraphernalia that advertises both schools. Her messages from the Cards are much louder than the chanting for the Royals simply due to distance. She's young. She has no clue that she is a Rardnal. She seems oblivious to the fact that she is a Cardyal. Ah innocence of the young.

She just likes to cheer.

So here we are. At the crossroads. She is wearing red. Lots of it and looking majorly cute in it. She loved GRC's Cheerleading Camp this week and apparently they loved her. She got hats, and pictures and frames and t-shirts all week. It was adorable. She had a ball. She gets to go on the field with the "big girls" at the Sept. 26th game against Madison Central at GRC. (Dear heavens THANK YOU that it wasn't Mason Co.) My parents are coming. Scott's fam will be there. Go get 'em my little Royadinal. Great job this week!

PS: Did anyone else notice the dog ears? Only the cool kids could talk her into that!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Yesterday it rained like crazy here. As Gayla, Jenn and I ran across the parking lot to the car at school (with cardboard boxes on our heads) I realized that my feetand legs were getting crazy wet! We were on our way to Qdoba up the street and the rain just wouldn't stop. That's when Gayla saw it. My Mitchell Favorite Things Vol III prompt.

My Golashes. My Rainboots. My oh so cute, keep your feet dry and warm, quit making fun of me cuz you know you want them too - kind a boots. And they were on another girl.

I went home that afternoon and pulled mine out of the closet just for good measure. They are black and white and have have some kind of fancy plaid pattern going on. (I am not a fashion interested person, so pardon my lackadaisical manner.)

Lainie has some too. Hers are green and have a frog face on them. She wears them with everything! Princess costumes, ballet tutus, sweats. Doesn't matter. She cried the other day because hers are getting too small. I silently cried too. I love them.

I was shopping for some today for her. Although the cheapies that I found did not come in her size, they did come in ours. They even had 11's. (Do I really need more boots?) Sha-yeah!!!

Here's the link if you want to join in on the rain boot fun! Don't be left behind!! There is nothing cuter than dry feet!

Sunday, July 27, 2008
This has been the best $16 I have ever spent. One afternoon in mid June, Lainie and I both had considered going to the public pool. After we finished our errands around town, it had taken longer than I wanted it too. Ya kow, ya need a good 3 hours to make a good day at the pool and that day we had hit 1:00. Couple that with the 1 hour drive time home, we didn't want to be at the pool until Scott came home. There is something about my man with his "teacher wife" when we lay at the pool until he rolls home after a rough day at work. Fair enough. We try just try to leave by 3. (I am a genious, you can tell me later.)

Anyway, that day, it was already 1 PM and it was overcast outside. We were both disappointed. Therefore, we spent the same amount of money as a day or two at the pool and put it into our own version. It's deep enough for me to sit in and long enough for me to stick my legs out. Laiie enjoys it the most. Today she has been in there since before 1 o'clock. It's 4 now.

She lathered with sunscreen and having a ball. We are truly the lifestyle of the rich and the famous!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
I took the bull by the horns the last 30 min and actually made myself feel better!

Here's how!

I called Jenn. Just talking to someone about something other than milk and cereal made me feel like a grown up. A fun, cute, would love a margarita on the patio, grown up.

Read Alyssa's comment on last post. She is feeling like I am, so I know as soul sistas, we are not alone!

Hung my 4 year old upside down behind the couch in the den to get renegade ball and lazy "husband trash" thrown behind couch. Funniest part, was telling her to "stay there" while I ran and got the camera.

Much better!
It's been a melacholy kind of a weekend here. Anybody else feeling it?

I mean it's summer for heaven's sake! Maybe that is why I'm feeling a little blue. I know I have to go back to work soon and I don't want too?

Scott has been working a lot lately and been away from the house. He's wrapping up SIL Vickie's total kitchen makeover the last two weekends. (I know I was totally gone one of those weekends,) but it seems he's been away for a while. Lainie and I made chocolate trip treats for him, Zach and Steve and took them to see the kitchen. Looks good for a newly painted, new floor, some cabiets in place, every large appliance drug into the living room kind of kitchen. They are making progress and that's what's important.

Maybe it's that I need payday to come desperately. I feel like I couldn't scrape up $2.00, even if I tried.

I'm just feeling lethagic. Kind of like a slug. That's so embarrassing to admit and even worse to visually imagine.....but I don't feel motivated to do much of anything. It's silly, unneccesary and ridiculous. I know, I know.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
1. Last thing you just did: ________________
2. Biggest accomplishment of the day: _______________
3. Best thing you've done this week: _______________
4. Age 15 years ago: ____________________
5. One thing you've done this week that you never saw yourself doing 15 years ago: _________

Shawna's Answers:
1. Picked up toys in Living Room
2. Priced garage full of items for kid's sale
3. Snuggled with Lainie more than normally
4. 17
5. Gave a dirty Guinea Pig a bath.

Oh-what we've become!

Answer yours in the comment section. Can't wait to see your #5.
Remember the very addicting, very obnoxious- albeit it very funny "Free Credit Report" kid with the bouncing head and the cool pirate suit on TV? He pulled me in today. We talked. I took the plunge. With him and the encouragement of my hero in the making, Dave Ramsey, I got a hold of my own credit report. (sing as you will..)

I am pleased to announce that I am of little risk to the future creditors that may want to lend me money (they are knowing at the doors, we know!) I am higher than what is considered "good" but with what I am about to tell you, you will see why I am not considered "great."

First, the good parts. I have no car payment. I even have 2 cars in my name + plus the truck in Scott's. Dave would totally tell me to sell one of the cars to pay off remaining debt, but ahem....Dave, 2 kids cannot fit in a Mustang, only in the Mountaineer and I have no plans of ever selling that Mustang! Regardless of the brood of children I bring into the world. Selfish, immature, shameful. Yeah, all that. It's a stick shift and it's red and fast and makes me feel like I am not 32. (Nay-saying friends and family get no comment for this part!) So, point one for me.

Next, since April, I have cut my debt in half and am almost to the end of Dave's baby step #1. To get $1,000 emergency fund. Now, I would totally be there already, but apparently you pay for babies now BEFORE they are born (versus the $300 check I wrote the last day at Central Baptist in 2003), which keeps me from bouncing across town for two months. So I sent Central Baptist $400 out of the emergency fund to pay for Tator Tot outright. No complaints by any means. My insurance is pretty good and for heaven's sakes, we're blessed with another Mitchell addition. No complaints at all. Just now my emergency fund needs a bit more fundage.

I also have all of my debt consolidated into 3 chunks. Our house (not part of the slashed by 1/2 figure), my bad habits credit card that is dwindling, and the "oh my graciousness, the washer and dryer did NOT die at the same time AGAIN" card from Sears that I used in January for said appliances. Again, pretty good.

Another good, I take almost 15% of my check and put it into a separate retirement account through AIG. I started this at 22 when dear sweet Kim L. at school introduced me to Randy the Retirement guy. I had no children, no house, no husband. I loaded it up. Luckily each month, I don't miss it, because I've never seen it. 10 years of that has done really well for me.

So the bad......

According to the report, I had 13 credit cards from college the year we bought our house. In 2000, I spent my summer canceling cards to be able to get the mortgage we deserved. How can grown adults prey on young naive students on campuses and spring break events the way they do with t-shirts and cups and junk?? Look at the mess. I swore I'd never do it again!

Here's the funny part...

I have 13 NEW credit cards since 2000. I am NOT even a college co-ed anymore. I know better! Not one of them has a balance on them. Granted some did...but they have long been paid off. Apparently, now I am a sucker for the save 15% today if you open a ____ credit card. OK! I think 15% of ? is better than 0% of ?, right? Gosh! When I really thought about it, I even remember signing up for two during football season because A. I needed a long sleeve shirt for that night game and $28 is insane at Commonwealth stadium (PS: I totally love that shirt!) and B. that UK blanket looks warm! I mean it was November!!!! So - they got me that way too!

So I now begin the quest of "call and cancel" to the delightfully polite card service members at the debt institutions. At least I can do that while sitting outside in the sun.

Dear Dave, (and Carol Fosson)

I promise I am listening and trying hard. I have 32 years of silliness under my belt and that is a lot of fat to trim. Please be patient. I will get there someday. I'm now off to call the creditors.

Painfully Getting the Picture
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I often get asked why I continue to live in Winchester and make the hour long one-way commute everyday to go to work. Money is usually the first thing that comes to my head. $150,000 for a house doesn't go far in the city limits of Lexington, but it bought us an all brick home with almost an acre in Winchester.

The next thing that comes to mind is the fact I can go to WalMart and know no-one. I mean, I could talk about colleagues and students at the top of my voice (of course I would NEVER do that) in the middle of the pickle aisle and no one would be in the peanut butter section listening to me ready to tell someone else. No one related to my working world lives over here. It's lonely, but liberating.

But last night, I discovered (actually more like remembered) one of my favorite parts about living where I live. Has nothing to do with Winchester, nothing to do with Clark County, and very little to do with my's something I did. Something I planted 8 summers ago and it is now amazing!

In the summer of 2000, I was planning my wedding and moving into said house preparing to be a newlywed. I was 24, Scott was 30 and we were both ready for the on-our-own style of life. One morning before the wedding, we went down to the Farmer's Market in Lex. I remember buying some tomatoes, squash and this cute little plant, they said would grown into a thorn less blackberry bush. OK. I love blackberries. I hate thorns. Perfect fit.

I brought it home and plated my $8.99 treasure. It stood 8 inches tall and had 4 leaves.

Summer #2: I got 4 berries off that silly vine. I knew I'd wasted my money.

Summers 3-7 I would stand and eat said berries straight from the vine and make it inside with 20 or so. Just enough to fling into some cereal. Lainie would also cover herself in berry juices and she double-fisted hers into her mouth.

And here we are at Summer #8. They exploded this year. Since Scott grew up without fences in his neighborhood (something about football fields and throwing passes with friends across yards) we only have one fence in our whole yard (it's chain link and our neighbor Al put it up between around his property before we moved in), it is filling up the whole section that faces our yard. Last night, we filled up half of a galvanized bucket with ripe berries, not to mention the hundreds we left on the vine until later in the week.

Lainie and I washed the berries, made a cobbler (OMG yum!), had a berry and Cool Whip snack, sprinkled them over our cereal and covered the others with Equal until later.

Cobbler recipe:
1 c water
2 c sugar, parted
1 - 2 c fresh berries
1 stick butter
1 c self rising flour
1 c milk
Bring water to a boil in saucepan. Add 1 c. sugar and stir until dissolved. Add berries. Simmer for 10 min. Melt butter in 9 x 13 pan in 350* oven. When melted, mix flour and remaining 1 c. sugar in large bowl. Slowly add milk to avoid clumping. Pour batter into 9x13 pan over butter. DO NOT STIR. Spoon berries into 9x13. DO NOT STIR. Gently pour hot berry syrup over 9x13. DO NOT STIR (stirring makes it all smear together. Cobblers should be many colors!)
Bake 30 min @ 350*

That alone - is one of the main reasons I will stay in this house until the number of people out numbers the bedrooms. After tater-tot, we're in trouble!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I'm sitting, my pictures are loaded, so I am totally on a roll to blog another post!

On Sunday, we three KY girls in DC took the big, bad, subway to King's Street in Alexandria, VA. Honestly, it is one of the cutest little towns I have ever been too. It looked like somewhere Ben Franklin would have just loved. There were little cobblestone streets, fish markets with beer and clams chilli in the ice, Christmas shops covered in white lights and grape vines. Ahh - so cute!

We ate a restaurant called the Chart House right on the Potomac River. Upon arriving, I noticed that the average person's bill was going to run us $31 to $50. Usually, I avoid meals like this unless the hus-band-o is footing the bill. This time, I was flying solo, so I knew I had to go easy!

Vickie and I opted for the salad bar. $15.99. Ok - I can do that. Fresh melon, sweet pieapple, real bleu cheese crumbles, me-ow!!!

I filled my plate and as I was about to walk away when Vickie and I noticed the same thing. Little, black, slimy, tiny, sitting beside the crackers. "Is that caviar?" we both whisper. We turn and look over our shoulders to see who is watching and if anyone is laughig at us "out of place kids."

It is.

Well, since trying caviar is on the my bucket list (if you have't seen Bucket List with Nicholson and Morgan Freeman - go and see) I knew what I had to do.

Tiny little spoonful, little crunchy cracker and a tandem 1-2-3 bite! Marcia took our picture.

It was salty. That's about all I noticed or bothered to concern myself with. Not good - not bad. Just salty. I can now cross ot off the list. The salad bar was fab. I liked the $1.99 mandarin oranges the best! Such a redneck.

I landed in Cincinnati at 8 PM last night. I left for a girl's weekend to see my sister-in-law who is working for 3 weeks being trained for her new position with the Federal Government Social Security Department. Although we (I) didn't take many pictures, my feet and muscles feel like they are going to melt off my body. Vickie (my sil) and Marcie our friend that she works with who is also attending the training WORE ME OUT. I'm totally blaming the pregnancy. Maybe it's just that time is catching up with me. We visited the Vietnam Memorial, the World War II monument, the Smithsonian museums, Old Town Alexandria, China Town, the Capitol, and we logged 100,000 miles on the subway - all in 2 1/2 days. Whew. More is coming!

Check out Vickie's posts on her trip. She is missing KY in DC right now, so leave her a comment or two. She would love it! Means Mania

Friday, July 18, 2008
Went to the pool today. I know - hate me. We (Lainie and I) went to Boonesborough's pool, since it is not only the closest, but the niceest pool that is nearby.

After a great surprise lunch with Daddy over a table full of chili dogs at Wanda's (don't laugh if you've never partaken! You wouldn't understand!) we were on our way. Blankets, towels, sunscreen, glasses, books, all set. I decided not to take any snacks because having concessions stand junk food every so often is what keeps me young and vibrant, so I was totally looking forward to some nachos and cheese for my 2:30 snack.

I put off the concessions stand for almost 3 hours. Frankly, I was very pruoud of both myself and Lainie for pushing the our willpower to the top and resisting the temptations.

When the time finally came, 3 hours into our visit, I was nearly panting. Lainie was close to busting from her skin. Nothing like a hot dog to get a 4 year old going buck wild!

They were out of hot dogs. I thought, no biggie, I'll share my nachos with Lainie. Alas, they were out of nachos. They were out of cheese. They were out of chips. Heaven help them if they are out of soda...and it d_ _ n well better be diet. Lucky little was all they had. Are you kidding? I asked for a straw, but realized I had just pushed my luck. No straws. Good Lord.

This is the time I realize I was born with the power of "think it" but not equipped with the button that allows me to "say it." Lainie was crying and I am grinding my teeth, I am so upset for her and hungry to boot. I knew I wanted to ask for management, but I saw no one over the age of 'like' 21 - (said just like Paris Hilton) inside any "office" area and I just wasn't going to give any words to someone young and stupid....while I feel so fat and old. I knew I should have told Mr. Genius to high tail it to Wal Mart to buy some dag-gone hot dogs and some cheese to go with MY chips. I also realized that this is why God put certain people in my life and I should travel with them much more often. Like Jennifer. Like Gayla. Like Vickie. Like Angie. NONE of these people would have let this atrocity occur.....but ah. I am what I am....hungry and sun burnt and prego and tired. And just not a master of the verbal language...yet.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
By far the funniest statements I have ever heard come out of the mouths of 4 year olds. They are like tiny comedians with no idea how humorous their take on everything really is.

For example:

Tonight's comment as we talked about all of the things we were going to need to teach the baby. Such as how to use sidewalk chalk and hit a tee-ball and blow bubbles and all the big stuff. "Yeah," Lainie says "and maybe we should name it Meatball, since we'll have to teach it how to cook too."

Or the other night as I planned my weekend get away to Washington D.C. I was telling Lainie about how I am getting to fly on my plane and she said, "O.K. Mommy. Don't forget to pack your para-hoot." Good idea Lainie. Always a good idea.

And my favorite one of all. About a week ago, I was going through my tubs of maternity clothes (thank you Andrea P. sharing yours!) since I have recently started exploding out of anything that might be considered my "normal" clothes. My whole living room floor was coated in clothes as I categorized them into Summer, Fall and Winter wear and 1st trimester, 2nd trimester and 3rd trimester appropriate. I was into this project for most of the night. Lainie comes bounding around the corer and announces to the entire house...."Good heavens Mommy, you have got alot of big, fat, tummy clothing!!!) I have NEVER and will NEVER use the words big, fat and tummy together....(nor will my husband.....) so where did this statement come from???? Tell me!!

A picture of the evening to make it all worthwhile.... Notice the teddy bear (or the insane bulge of the bear) stuffed in her tummy. Oh my!
Monday, July 14, 2008

This past weekend we went fishing at my Mom and Dad's. Lainie has been asking for a fishing trip for moths now and even after the deep sea fishing adventure Scott arranged for us in Fla, Lainie isisted she had to do it at Pappaw's with Pappaw. Fair enough.
My dad retired to this fishing dock with its own little house back when I was in college. I didn't understand its appeal until I spent a sunset there shortly there after. The house is kinda on the small side, but perfect for a retired auto engineer with a love of fish and motorcycles. Ironically, my mother then bought a house directly (like you can see it through the parting of the trees) across the lake. You have to call two houses to find one parent. My dad will lean out and say - "yep, her car's over there." Long story, even as entertaining as it is.
My favorite picture is the one from above. Scott, Dad and Lainie insisted that I post the 28 inch catfish. Lainie totally took credit from Dad for that one. All Scott caught were turtles. Such silly fish tales.
Friday, July 11, 2008
I'm lonely.

The house is quiet.

Lainie is gone until tomorrow.

I'm a bit sad.

It's amazing how much you miss Wonder Pets when they aren't blaring from the living room at 6:45 in the morning. It's weird how you are certain you would love just one day when milk isn't spilled on the floor - but then it isn't really true. Why does a "clean" hallway look so weird when you are used to a caravan of toys layering it's walls moments after you've straightened up? Sadness.

Scott and I even went out to supper with no children last night. We weren't rushed, had grown up conversations and ate all of the food on our plates without badgering someone else to do the same. When we were busy - we didn't notice we were down one (horrible I know.) But as soon as we got home and had complete control of the remote control, we both thought...this is odd. We have a "date" tonight as well. It's Scott's Wish Month....(that's another post entirely, mine was last month), so we're excited about being together again, but still. When you are used to a little body or bodies beside you 99.9% of the time, 0% feels disgustingly strange.

Maybe I'll go to a grown up lunch with friends. Yes - that's exactly what I'll do. See you Saturday Lainie!!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008

It's totally true! There is a 12 week little fetus growing in my tummy right now!!! We have been trying for a little brother or sister for Lainie for a while now, so the Mitchell's would like to introduce you to Tater Tot Mitchell! It even appears that the baby is waving (look close!)
Since Scott and I don't find out the gender of our children (some crazy aggreement we made en route to a 8 hour destination prior to being married) we give our children ridiculous (although story appropriate) nicknames for them to carry in womb. Lainie was Punkin Seed, since my aunt called me Punkin when I was little. And now we introduce Tater Tot, the offspring of Scott, AKA our Big Spud! HA!

Our due date is January 16th, so come the holidays, I will be big, tired and swollen. Ah - Merry Christmas everyone!!! We can't wait!
Lainie's school (Julie McIntire Burgel's new school) is having a Consignment Sale and you are invited to both SHOP and SELL!! Tell your family and friends!

***Contact ME for a seller number and sell those unneeded / unwanted kid's items for CASH!***

Bluejay Boutique Consignment Sale Information
August 8th and 9th
Victory Hieghts Center
150 Maryland Avenue
Winchester, KY

The Consignment Sale will be held August 8th from 5 p.m. to 9p.m. and
August 9th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. A special Friends and Family Sale will take place on Thursday, August 7th from 6 to 8 p.m. for anyone who will be helping with the Consignment Sale!

You may drop off your TAGGED items on Wednesday, August 6th from 10 to 1 or 4 to 7 at the Victory Heights Center, 150 Maryland Ave. in Winchester.

You will make 70% profit on your sales and the other 30% will be donated to the programs at the Victory Heights Center for Achievement.(There will be a $5 Advertisement fee charged to all sellers.)

Items Accepted:
Girls and Boys clothing in GREAT condition
children’s shoes—gently worn
Halloween costumes for children
Nursery Supplies and Maternity Clothing
Baby and Children’s Furniture (assembled)
Children’s Books in GREAT condition

Items NOT Accepted: Car Seats, Stuffed Animals, or Clothing that is stained, torn, or missing accessories

Tagging Items:
Please use a white index card pinned to clothing or taped to bags of shoes, bows, etc. The minimum price accepted is $2 and items must be priced in dollar increments…$2, $3, $5, etc. (If you have smaller items such as hair bows, bag them in values of at least $2.00). *contact us for a seller number

A copy of this flyer will be sent to you in the mail if you are interested!
Thursday, July 3, 2008

So I got PhotoShop Elements 6 for my birthday in April. I have wanted this software for a long time, but knew that it would take a while to learn. In Clark Co. they even offer community ed classes on how it works. After the last two days of trying, discovering, trying again and surprising myself, I figure....I might need the course to narrow the amount of time I took on this project.

Anyway, I took Lori's family pictures in April. This particular picture I just loved. Julienne had on a purple dress sitting in a bed of violets. I wanted to take out everything but the purple.

Once I tried made her skin tone look like dead flesh, so I gave her hair and skin a soft color by erasing the b+w by 25 pixels to expose the original color. Not bad for my first try. I'll keep you posted. Thanks Lori, you have beautiful children!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
So this week has been so much better already! My post about last week was certainly a fluke and just too much happening at once to digest!

The last few days have reminded me how blessed we are to have such great people in our lives. I feel like we have had a chance to to interact with all sorts of old and new aquaintances the last few days and I wanted to give a shout out about what we've all done together!

I've talked to Kate, Ann C, Mom, Dawn D, Edwina and Carol F on the phone this past week at pretty great lengths. Being that I'm not a huge phone talker, I did well, cuz we had lots to talk about!

Lainie and I have had play dates with Kara and Tripp, Heather, Olivia and Thomas, Ann, Allie and Ginnie, Mickey and Ian. It was awesome to just watch the kids play while catching up with some great friends.

We had a dinner party with Allyson and Eprem and Kellie and John on Saturday. That was fantastic!!! Good food, Good company - Great stuff!

I get a solo night out tonight for Apps @ Harry's patio with Alyssa, Jenn, Abby, Gayla, Sarabeth, Maria and Grant. Super pumped for that one!!!! Can't wait!

Friday, we're spending the day with Evan, Kate and Emma for the 4th of July celebrations downtown. We'll meet up in the AM and go until the kids wear down.

Saturday is Scott's family reunion in Frankfort. We will see the extended family and swim all day. His aunts are such awesome hostesses that we talk about this event all year!

Saturday night we're going to Andrea and Mike's cookout in Lexington. We are packing as much as possible into that day. Sadly we're having to miss cousin Bella's party, because we had committed to the others already. :(

Sunday is the annual Newman's July 4th party. It has a Mardi Gras theme this year. That party is always huge and super fun!! Scott gets to hang with Jonathan and Evan and Roger and Wayne and all the other man folk and their cigars, while the girls talk shop about pregnancies and kids and clothes and jobs and whatever! Can't wait!