Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I'm sitting, my pictures are loaded, so I am totally on a roll to blog another post!

On Sunday, we three KY girls in DC took the big, bad, subway to King's Street in Alexandria, VA. Honestly, it is one of the cutest little towns I have ever been too. It looked like somewhere Ben Franklin would have just loved. There were little cobblestone streets, fish markets with beer and clams chilli in the ice, Christmas shops covered in white lights and grape vines. Ahh - so cute!

We ate a restaurant called the Chart House right on the Potomac River. Upon arriving, I noticed that the average person's bill was going to run us $31 to $50. Usually, I avoid meals like this unless the hus-band-o is footing the bill. This time, I was flying solo, so I knew I had to go easy!

Vickie and I opted for the salad bar. $15.99. Ok - I can do that. Fresh melon, sweet pieapple, real bleu cheese crumbles, me-ow!!!

I filled my plate and as I was about to walk away when Vickie and I noticed the same thing. Little, black, slimy, tiny, sitting beside the crackers. "Is that caviar?" we both whisper. We turn and look over our shoulders to see who is watching and if anyone is laughig at us "out of place kids."

It is.

Well, since trying caviar is on the my bucket list (if you have't seen Bucket List with Nicholson and Morgan Freeman - go and see) I knew what I had to do.

Tiny little spoonful, little crunchy cracker and a tandem 1-2-3 bite! Marcia took our picture.

It was salty. That's about all I noticed or bothered to concern myself with. Not good - not bad. Just salty. I can now cross ot off the list. The salad bar was fab. I liked the $1.99 mandarin oranges the best! Such a redneck.


LizzyBee said...

This is SO FUNNY! Good post:)