Saturday, May 10, 2008

So I haven't blogged in like forever! I know it! I'm bad and I apologize. My own Father is telling people in Maysville I have fallen off the planet because I have turned into such a bad blogging daughter. OK, so I'm back and I promise to be better!!

For Mother's Day weekend, my Mom arranged for Lainie and myself to join her in Carilisle KY for a Mother's Day tea. It was awesome! Lainie, Mom and I wore cute dresses and fancy purses and loaded up for an afternoon of Strawberry Kiwi Tea and Scones with White Chocolate dipped strawberries and benedictine sandwhiches. It was fabulous. Silly me forgot the camera, so no photos of that one, but thanks Mom for an aweseome afternoon!

Lainie brought me a beautiful Mommy's Day present from school this week. It is her silly little 4 year old face growing from a pot of silky grass. She was so proud of it on Friday when I finally got home. Truth be told, we are BOTH very proud of it. Love you girlie!! Thanks for makin me a Momma. :)