Friday, February 13, 2009
Update world!!! I found a pair of jeans! They are Levi's 512's from Dillards in a size 14 long. The 14 will do, because they fit, they are comfortable and hopefully, because of the smidge of Lycra in them will even fit fairly well when I succeed at making it back to an official 12 (or beyond - gasp!)

For my queasy readers...stop here.

Let's just say that I am attempting to feed the new boy the good old fashion way. I am breast feeding. It's a slow process, literally. He eats and eats, and snuggles, and sleeps and still wants more, meanwhile an hour and a half has passed during this process. Imagine doing this and when he finally finishes, it's time to start over. Needless to say, I borrowed a pump, a heavy duty one.

Thank you Lori! So for a month I have been pumping as often I can / remember / make myself / am sitting down long enough too. (For the up and going kind of a Mom, this can be tough.) I am smart enough not to start on level 5 because it pulls me at mach speed. But all this time, something still felt wrong, painful wrong. I just thought it was the whole process since I tried unsuccessfully with Lainie.

When I say wrong, I mean like toe curling wrong. Sometimes bleeding. Open flesh. Like really sore. So at this point, the original way took a long time and the fake way hurt. Aside from formula costing so much $$$, I still find myself in the grey zone for stopping all together.

So good news. While beginning the process today (did I mention you are supposed to do this anywhere from 8-12 times in the beginning to make it all roll right?) I notice this little white dial with raised lettering. The lettering is hard to read on the white dial, but it looks like the word MAX. Max? I don't really like that word when associated with my chest area. (Middle school tittie twisters come to mind.) I turn it down. The MAX suction turns to normal suction, then to (dare I say) GENTLE tugging. I wait. I wonder. It works! Ahhhh. This is doable.

Lesson to learn here: Experiment! Turn dials! Don't suffer! Ask someone!


Charissa said...

I had forgotten how your honesty could make me "fall out of my chair laughing"! You are cracking me up - I loved nursing CC, so if you need any encouragement with the pump stuff let me know, but it sounds like you got the important stuff figured out. Your husband is an engineer right?!?