Thursday, May 29, 2008
I had broccolli in my teeth throughout the whole baby shower and no one told me.

The three people I was sitting with have blog links on this page. "Somebody" & Her Boys?" And two girls with bunches of "Adventures" and a few "Going Ons." Hmmmmm.

I got back to my desk and realized it was there...and thought"Man...I have crummy (or blind) friends.

Me and my snaggle teeth sulked back home.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
So my phone is stupid!! As much as I love my phone, it is currently making me really mad.

I have a refurbished phone. Scott and I are big into refurbished things...I mean - why pay more for new? It's fixed - right? WRONG!!!

My little mousey on my blackberry jumps around. My buttons are sticking! My screen doed funny things!! It's nuts.I have now been on the phone for 45 minutes and all I've gotten is a completely erasaed phone. (and yes, I'm calling from work FCPS...pbslttttttttttt. (Bad rendition of raspberry in face!))

Oh I hate this!!! It says it is "scrubbing itself clean" with 77 minutes remaining!!!!! NUTS!!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I love this time of year!! This is the time of year that I start thinking about cleaning out and purging and selling and getting rid of. I have been working since Christmas on prepping items for my 2008 Yard Sale this year with Kelly C. and the best piece of advice I recieved was from my SIL Vickie to tag the items as you put them INTO the box. Therefore, as I put new items away for holidays in December and birthdays in April I put prices on everything I didn't want to keep and then put all the piles in that back bedroom. That idea was genius!!!! One VERY FULL BEDROOM later....I have all of my items priced for our sale on the 5th of JUNE. Good job Team Mitchell!

I am also working on a committee at Lainie's school for the Victory Heights Kids Consignment Sale. Julie, Jenny, Allyson, Becky and I have met a few times and been working on the PR and advertisement end of the sale that will be held in August. This is being marketed as a "high end" sale similar to "Little Lambs" and "His Kids" sales in Lexington which will be a first for Winchester. If you would like to be a part of our Kids Sale, the details are EASY and we would love to give you a seller's number. Tell your friends!!!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
So I have eaten at least 20 of those little Hershey chocolate nugget bites in the last 24 hours and I could easily eat 20+ more. What is wrong with me? I mean....come on. I loose 70 lbs. 5 years ago and all I can think about lately is stuffing my face with insane chocolate luvin'? I like chocolate and all, but it is like something illegal is in those little suckers and all I can do is "hit the fix" before I start shaking all over again. Frankly, I blame Vivian. Vivian is the one who purchased them. She brought them to school, for us. She left them wide open on her desk. She offered them to again and again during our team meetings yesterday and mind you I am in all 6 of those bleepin things spanning close to 8 hours and then she is the one with the most quiet office and then was out of the building this afternoon and I used her office as a quiet work space for my melting headache, continuing to gorge myself on mountains of chocolate. (Have you had the toffee ones? Dear God help me!) As you can see....this chocolate issue is completely Vivian's fault. Thank you again for understanding.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Everybody needs a FUNNY PICTURE WEDNESDAY every so often and today's the day! Taken December 26th, 2005. Lainie is 2 years old and mad as can be!
PS: Look how bad my yard looks!

I had one of the best and most fun opportunities I have ever had while teaching, last night. I was asked, along with David P. (our Art teacher) to be the "Celebrity Servers" at the local Pizza place last night. It was fantastic!!!

We started our silly day out with a banter back and forth on the morning announcements to drive up some excitement. All day, kids were coming up to us and saying, we're coming to eat at CiCi's tonight, JUST to see you! It was so exciting to feel loved in such a silly way. We had a line out the door for over an hour and a half. 90% of those people were CME families. It was so neat!!!

I must say - it was some hard work. I wasn't there to look pretty. The manager was a fantastic man and very full of life. He'd holler at the customers coming in and encouraged us to yell funny things when the fresh pizzas came out. Being the attention hog that I am....I had a ball.

Scott and Lainie and David's family Amy and Caroline came out as well to support Mom and Dad behind the pizza line. David is convinced we got catapulted into SUPER PARENT status last night by our new role. Lainie just seemed confused.

I won't be leaving my day job anytime soon, but if I need a little cash in the coming future, I just might look towards a life of Pizza!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
So today will be a VERY FAVORITE THINGS post. Many of you enjoyed reading about the blanket that Scott, Lainie and I fight over in the Vol I post, so I thought i would let you in on another one of the Mitchell favorites!

I can't say that my Vol II favorite item is necessarily shared by both Scott and Lainie, but if it were to break (as it did in June 2007) my life (both professionally and pictorally) would come to a screeching halt.

Vol II's post is about my Seagate 6GB flashdrive. Love it. Adore it. Never ever ever leave my home without it. It is in my purse everyday, and I tear up if I can't find it. My motto is - Only make it once...fix as often as necessary. I REFUSE to retype / remake things that can be copy and pasted and refined. That is why I must always have my flashdrive at my fingertips.

My Seagate drive is shaped like a small flying saucer and plugs into my computers at home, at work and at school. It has 10 years of teaching on it and every photo I have every taken (minus November 2006 - June 2007 that died in the meltdown of '07 - see below.) I never got some of my data back...and some of my pictures are lost forever....but everything else is kept with me at all times, in my purse.

Last summer, it died on me. Many tears, panicky phone calls to Edwina and Jenn and $400 later....I was able to retrieve about 60% of the memory from it. Lesson learned - Gayla. I now back everything up on my external memory at home (which has saved my butt a time or two when I lost a file.) But never again, will my day go down the whole because I am "without" my data in some form or fashion!!
Monday, May 12, 2008

Tonight was the annual end of the year Clays Mill Staff Celebration. It was kinda neat this year, because families were invited as well!!

We went to the Legend's game and had a catered supper at the Pepsi Party Deck. The barbeque was DE-LISH!

Lainie had a ball with her little CME colleague friends and it was nice to get to chat more with everyone outside of the school day. Thanks to everyone who came out!!!
This is Lainie with two of her Clays Mill staff member's kids that she doesn't see much anymore. Ian is above with Big L and Emma is below. She loves these friends and was sooooo glad they were there tonight!
For anyone wanting a glimpse into my regular Sunday supper with the inlaws, read my SIL's blog entitled - "Meet the Mob Boss."

I am also a part of this remember you pick on a Mitchell - you end up with a Mitchell thumpin!

Good post Vickie!!

So we all know what my husband does for a living, right? I mean, he owns a contracting construction business and comes home covered in paint, dust and dirt - everyday. I don't just mean occasionally....I mean EVERYDAY!!! He's ill if he's not layered in dust particles!

SO my very physically working husband gave me the best Mother's Day present he could ever think of this past weekend. He devoted the entire weekend to the upkeep and preservation of our house. Not my neighbor's house, not my family's house, not even our rental property, but mine, all mine.

Lainie loved it! (As did I!) He painted the attic door, bought mulch, cooked breakfast, sanded the front door, bought new paint, mulched my yard, juiced up the trailer and hitch, cleaned the gutters, trimmed the trees, painted the front trim, fixed the bathroom ceiling, installed the sandbox cover and laid more sand. My house looks so good. Not too mention how important his time and efforts left me feeling. He is really a great husband! Hard working, dedicated, passionate, and's just that these great qualities often benefit other people (now granted TEAM MITCHELL gets the paycheck)....but sometimes it's nice for them to notice you too. Love you bud!
Good job Handy Manny and Helper Lainie!!! Thank you sooo much!
Saturday, May 10, 2008

So I haven't blogged in like forever! I know it! I'm bad and I apologize. My own Father is telling people in Maysville I have fallen off the planet because I have turned into such a bad blogging daughter. OK, so I'm back and I promise to be better!!

For Mother's Day weekend, my Mom arranged for Lainie and myself to join her in Carilisle KY for a Mother's Day tea. It was awesome! Lainie, Mom and I wore cute dresses and fancy purses and loaded up for an afternoon of Strawberry Kiwi Tea and Scones with White Chocolate dipped strawberries and benedictine sandwhiches. It was fabulous. Silly me forgot the camera, so no photos of that one, but thanks Mom for an aweseome afternoon!

Lainie brought me a beautiful Mommy's Day present from school this week. It is her silly little 4 year old face growing from a pot of silky grass. She was so proud of it on Friday when I finally got home. Truth be told, we are BOTH very proud of it. Love you girlie!! Thanks for makin me a Momma. :)