Sunday, February 28, 2010
Over the course of 2 years, I have finally hit my 100th post. Not very good, I guess...but still - it's here. I think it might be fun to tell you 100 things about me via my 100th post. I've done that alittle bit lately on some of my last posts, so we'll just see how interesting I can become via my ramblings!
1. I am a first born April baby
1 little brother - Joe, 3 1/2 years younger
First word was no
Dad worked 3rd shift for as long as I can remember
I came home grouchy after school everyday in first grade
I learned phonics, my parents didn't
Lost my first tooth after eating a popscicle with gum in my mouth. Made my gum rock hard = out came the tooth
I learned to play tennis in 1st grade - took lessons
My first swimsuit was green - my current one is black
10. My bedroom was yellow growing up. I hate yellow walls now.
My neighborhood had a pool. I would walk there everyday with my brother in the summer.
My parents fought alot - so I rarely played at home.
I took horseback riding lessons in 4th grade
Learned fractions in a weekend, after I guessed on the pretest (and got them all correct)
My mom used to drop us off for sunday school and church from age 6 on. She would then go Christmas shopping
I had perfect attendance in sunday school for 9 years running.
My father moved out when I was 12. We moved from No. Ky to Maysville.
I hated middle school, but grew to love the people I met those yearly years.
I walked to my Mom's high school down the road after school everyday. I don't remember how my brother got there. Bus?
20. I helped the marching band as a flag changing girl in 7th and 8th grade. Getting to travel with the high schoolers only sped up my love of older boys.
Eventually, I was the field commander of that band.
I kept going to church in highschool, even when no one else in my family did.
I worked in the high school dark room as a sophomore and discovered my love of photography
I was editor in cheif of my junior year book
I was always known as A. Worthington's daughter growing up in the same town she did.
I passed my driving test first time
I have the best memories of my youth from church camps.
I have performed in 6 musicals = Velveteen Rabbit, Wizard of Oz, Sound of Music, Brigadoon, Annie, and the Music Man.
I like watching high school basketball more than football, but love the atmosphere of both.
30. I went to four proms. Two with the same guy.
I like to choreograph dances and did for our dance team in highschool.
I dated the same guy all through highschool except during prom season. He never took me to prom.
I went to UK on a full scholarship. I dreamed of being a little fish in a big pond.
I joined a sorority to make my pond "a little bit" smaller.
I nearly failed out of school my first year of college. I was on academic probation because I didn't go to class. I graduated with a 3.45 four years later.
I met Scott my senior year in college. I had never dated anyone in college and really struggled with balancing friends, school and a relationship. I felt very guilty at the time for being happy.
I didn't wear heels until I met Scott.
I stopped going to church when Scott and I met. I had this illusion it had to be as a couple or nothing.
Scott and I were married in 2000.
40. I honeymooned in Jamaica.
I had Thai food, the first time on my honeymoon. I fell in love.
I will be interviewing for a teaching job this summer after teaching for 12 years with no initial interview.
I love to campgrounds
I've been to Europe 3 times. All on singing trips of 40 people. All with stacked iteneraries.
My favorite fruit are blueberries. I decided I liked both kiwi and pears in 2009.
I fell out of a raft, my second time white water rafting. Scared me to death.
I love musicals and symphonies.
I kept gaining weight past my freshman 15. More like my college 50.
In 2002, at 26 - I decided I didn't like how I looked and joined Weight Watchers.
50. I was thinner at my 10 years reunion than I was my senior year in high school. Only by about 10 pounds, but still.
I plan vacations that are scheduled down to the hour. I am working to stop doing that.
I knew I always wanted to be a mom and got pregnant quickly the first time. Took nearly 2 years the second time.
I was disappointed in having both an epidural and failing at breast feeding. I was depressed after my first pregnancy - but fought very hard to hide it.
After counselling before my second one, I realized it was no big deal and refused to beat myself up anymore.
I discovered coffee tasted good just after my 30th birthday. OMG.
Yogurt is my favorite food.
I wish my husband didn't work so much. I wish I didn't work so much.
I'd rather read than talk to people.
I use Google tostalk learn about people I used to know
60. I like the taste of high-end tequilla, but will pass on most other alcohols.
My house is cluttered, just like my classroom. Semi-straight most times, but full.
I started back to a new church while on maternity leave with Scotty. Me and 2 kids in the last pew, nervous and confused....but back.
I have no idea how to decorate. Hate the idea most times.
Used to love to move from place to I can't even envision it.
Watch way too much tv. I prefer reality television.
I have no idea how to tweet.
I want to be giving, but sometimes I feel selfish.
That said, I have no bed side manner.
I get sea sick very easily.
Halloween is my favorite holiday.
70. I always worry I am going to forget things. I still always forget things.
I wear shoes thaat are too small for my feet and I know it.
I love my yard but wish it had more trees.
My kids are far from what I imagined but more than I could have hoped for.
I always thought someone in my family would have red hair.
My grandfather is the person I admire most. I wish I would have told him when he was alive.
Scott's dad was someone I wish I had gotten to know even more. His sarcasm always made me laugh.
I am afraid my kids won't like broad types of music when they get older. Why is that a fear of mine?
I hate to wash dishes.
I dream of being organized. Like stay up at night and think about it.
80. I would like to be a foster parent.
I wanna go back and work at church camp again.
I drink way to much Diet Coke. But I don't smoke and rarely I rationalize it.
I would renew my vows with Scott if I had the money. This year is year #10.
I am always late. Even when I really really really try, something happens.
I wanna grow old on a porch swing. With lemon flavored sweet tea.
I hope Scotty is like Scott when he grows up. I like big guys that are sporty and can work with their hands. To me, Scott is the perfect guy.
I am saving to hire someone to landscape my yard. Like decorating,, I feel inadequate.
Scott wants hardwood in out house. That's great cause I want a new vacuum - one with a long hardwood hose attachment.
I hang all of my kids clothes together as outfits. It saves me time when getting everyone ready.
90.I am seeking khaki pants that are comfortable. Having a baby means my old ones fit weird.
I have forgiven the odd details of my childhood. They were sad to relive but shaped who I am and I am peaceful with it now.
I recommend counseling to anyone who is sad, lonely, worried, tense, high strung or confused. I thought I went because of stess. I learned that I was wrong.
I don't really want another child, but am not willing to make it official yet.
I want to cook as good as my grandmother and sister in law. I try but haven't convinced very many yet.
I am proud of my career. I think I've done some things pretty well.
I love my kids. Everytime I step back, I realize that somone is doing something right.
I am lucky to have found Scott. He's patient but persistent when he needs to be.
I have a pretty cool cat and dog. Low key. Present, but not in your face crazy.
100. I am more peaceful now than ever in my life. I am making some changes that will help me grow as a person by being less strung out. I have come to terms with things that made me unhappy. I am willing to pray and ask for help when I need it. I am surrounded by people who care about me and I them. I am a pretty lucky girl.
Happy #100.
1. I am a first born April baby
1 little brother - Joe, 3 1/2 years younger
First word was no
Dad worked 3rd shift for as long as I can remember
I came home grouchy after school everyday in first grade
I learned phonics, my parents didn't
Lost my first tooth after eating a popscicle with gum in my mouth. Made my gum rock hard = out came the tooth
I learned to play tennis in 1st grade - took lessons
My first swimsuit was green - my current one is black
10. My bedroom was yellow growing up. I hate yellow walls now.
My neighborhood had a pool. I would walk there everyday with my brother in the summer.
My parents fought alot - so I rarely played at home.
I took horseback riding lessons in 4th grade
Learned fractions in a weekend, after I guessed on the pretest (and got them all correct)
My mom used to drop us off for sunday school and church from age 6 on. She would then go Christmas shopping
I had perfect attendance in sunday school for 9 years running.
My father moved out when I was 12. We moved from No. Ky to Maysville.
I hated middle school, but grew to love the people I met those yearly years.
I walked to my Mom's high school down the road after school everyday. I don't remember how my brother got there. Bus?
20. I helped the marching band as a flag changing girl in 7th and 8th grade. Getting to travel with the high schoolers only sped up my love of older boys.
Eventually, I was the field commander of that band.
I kept going to church in highschool, even when no one else in my family did.
I worked in the high school dark room as a sophomore and discovered my love of photography
I was editor in cheif of my junior year book
I was always known as A. Worthington's daughter growing up in the same town she did.
I passed my driving test first time
I have the best memories of my youth from church camps.
I have performed in 6 musicals = Velveteen Rabbit, Wizard of Oz, Sound of Music, Brigadoon, Annie, and the Music Man.
I like watching high school basketball more than football, but love the atmosphere of both.
30. I went to four proms. Two with the same guy.
I like to choreograph dances and did for our dance team in highschool.
I dated the same guy all through highschool except during prom season. He never took me to prom.
I went to UK on a full scholarship. I dreamed of being a little fish in a big pond.
I joined a sorority to make my pond "a little bit" smaller.
I nearly failed out of school my first year of college. I was on academic probation because I didn't go to class. I graduated with a 3.45 four years later.
I met Scott my senior year in college. I had never dated anyone in college and really struggled with balancing friends, school and a relationship. I felt very guilty at the time for being happy.
I didn't wear heels until I met Scott.
I stopped going to church when Scott and I met. I had this illusion it had to be as a couple or nothing.
Scott and I were married in 2000.
40. I honeymooned in Jamaica.
I had Thai food, the first time on my honeymoon. I fell in love.
I will be interviewing for a teaching job this summer after teaching for 12 years with no initial interview.
I love to campgrounds
I've been to Europe 3 times. All on singing trips of 40 people. All with stacked iteneraries.
My favorite fruit are blueberries. I decided I liked both kiwi and pears in 2009.
I fell out of a raft, my second time white water rafting. Scared me to death.
I love musicals and symphonies.
I kept gaining weight past my freshman 15. More like my college 50.
In 2002, at 26 - I decided I didn't like how I looked and joined Weight Watchers.
50. I was thinner at my 10 years reunion than I was my senior year in high school. Only by about 10 pounds, but still.
I plan vacations that are scheduled down to the hour. I am working to stop doing that.
I knew I always wanted to be a mom and got pregnant quickly the first time. Took nearly 2 years the second time.
I was disappointed in having both an epidural and failing at breast feeding. I was depressed after my first pregnancy - but fought very hard to hide it.
After counselling before my second one, I realized it was no big deal and refused to beat myself up anymore.
I discovered coffee tasted good just after my 30th birthday. OMG.
Yogurt is my favorite food.
I wish my husband didn't work so much. I wish I didn't work so much.
I'd rather read than talk to people.
I use Google to
60. I like the taste of high-end tequilla, but will pass on most other alcohols.
My house is cluttered, just like my classroom. Semi-straight most times, but full.
I started back to a new church while on maternity leave with Scotty. Me and 2 kids in the last pew, nervous and confused....but back.
I have no idea how to decorate. Hate the idea most times.
Used to love to move from place to I can't even envision it.
Watch way too much tv. I prefer reality television.
I have no idea how to tweet.
I want to be giving, but sometimes I feel selfish.
That said, I have no bed side manner.
I get sea sick very easily.
Halloween is my favorite holiday.
70. I always worry I am going to forget things. I still always forget things.
I wear shoes thaat are too small for my feet and I know it.
I love my yard but wish it had more trees.
My kids are far from what I imagined but more than I could have hoped for.
I always thought someone in my family would have red hair.
My grandfather is the person I admire most. I wish I would have told him when he was alive.
Scott's dad was someone I wish I had gotten to know even more. His sarcasm always made me laugh.
I am afraid my kids won't like broad types of music when they get older. Why is that a fear of mine?
I hate to wash dishes.
I dream of being organized. Like stay up at night and think about it.
80. I would like to be a foster parent.
I wanna go back and work at church camp again.
I drink way to much Diet Coke. But I don't smoke and rarely I rationalize it.
I would renew my vows with Scott if I had the money. This year is year #10.
I am always late. Even when I really really really try, something happens.
I wanna grow old on a porch swing. With lemon flavored sweet tea.
I hope Scotty is like Scott when he grows up. I like big guys that are sporty and can work with their hands. To me, Scott is the perfect guy.
I am saving to hire someone to landscape my yard. Like decorating,, I feel inadequate.
Scott wants hardwood in out house. That's great cause I want a new vacuum - one with a long hardwood hose attachment.
I hang all of my kids clothes together as outfits. It saves me time when getting everyone ready.
90.I am seeking khaki pants that are comfortable. Having a baby means my old ones fit weird.
I have forgiven the odd details of my childhood. They were sad to relive but shaped who I am and I am peaceful with it now.
I recommend counseling to anyone who is sad, lonely, worried, tense, high strung or confused. I thought I went because of stess. I learned that I was wrong.
I don't really want another child, but am not willing to make it official yet.
I want to cook as good as my grandmother and sister in law. I try but haven't convinced very many yet.
I am proud of my career. I think I've done some things pretty well.
I love my kids. Everytime I step back, I realize that somone is doing something right.
I am lucky to have found Scott. He's patient but persistent when he needs to be.
I have a pretty cool cat and dog. Low key. Present, but not in your face crazy.
100. I am more peaceful now than ever in my life. I am making some changes that will help me grow as a person by being less strung out. I have come to terms with things that made me unhappy. I am willing to pray and ask for help when I need it. I am surrounded by people who care about me and I them. I am a pretty lucky girl.
Happy #100.
me me me
Sunday, February 21, 2010
"You can't eat just cheerios," I said, as he stuffed the 15th handful into his mouth.
"Says who?" he grunted. Sounded more like a deep throated RAAAA.
Points, grunts, points, whines a long ooooooo, teeth barred while looking like he is either going to smile or scream, maybe even both.
"Try a banana." Head turns, teeth show. Fists slam.
Drops cheerio handful, dog runs over. Success for Brewtus.
Points,grunts, points.
Hands are empty of cheerios. Cry like movement with no sound and heaven knows, no tears.
Nope. Push, turn, wriggle.
Oooooooooo - grunt - point.
16th handful - armed and ready.
Arms flail. Giggles as cheerios fly across kitchen. Brewtus scampers, beams and twitches in one fast movement. Boy screeches happy screetches.
"Eat something else, please."
Yes this too will pass. He'll eat something else someday and then 15 years from now, he'll eat me out house and home. This is just kinda funny right now.
"Says who?" he grunted. Sounded more like a deep throated RAAAA.
Points, grunts, points, whines a long ooooooo, teeth barred while looking like he is either going to smile or scream, maybe even both.
"Try a banana." Head turns, teeth show. Fists slam.
Drops cheerio handful, dog runs over. Success for Brewtus.
Points,grunts, points.
Hands are empty of cheerios. Cry like movement with no sound and heaven knows, no tears.
Nope. Push, turn, wriggle.
Oooooooooo - grunt - point.
16th handful - armed and ready.
Arms flail. Giggles as cheerios fly across kitchen. Brewtus scampers, beams and twitches in one fast movement. Boy screeches happy screetches.
"Eat something else, please."
Yes this too will pass. He'll eat something else someday and then 15 years from now, he'll eat me out house and home. This is just kinda funny right now.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
We've had a set of snow days this week where everyone in my house has been home. Since Scott's business is dependent on the weather more times than not, he is kinda slow during the colder months. Since I work in the school system, both Lainie and I have had days off of school until the roads improve.
Going anywhere has really been out of the question, in that I don't like to bundle people up and our driveway is a slick hill. Mustang wheels mean nothing to winter weather and I really have no where to go anyway.
So....what do you do when you are couped up inside. Here's a laundry list.
Going anywhere has really been out of the question, in that I don't like to bundle people up and our driveway is a slick hill. Mustang wheels mean nothing to winter weather and I really have no where to go anyway.
So....what do you do when you are couped up inside. Here's a laundry list.
- Read and read and read
- Sudoku
- Watch movies
- Cook soup
- Blog
- Sleep
- Read Facebook
- Laundry Laundry Laundry
- School work
- Watch TV
- Vacuum
- Check email
- Send email
- Organize things
- Play outside
- Cook
- Eat
- Eat
- Cook
- Snuggle
- Change dirty diapers
- Take extra naps
- (Notice exercise could have been on the list.....but alas, no)
So.....we are getting a little on the restless side.
Here's how Lainie and I amused ourselves for 3 hours today.
I am so proud of us.
We are big fans of Annie's Eats and she has an amazing sugar cookie recipe with a Royal Icing tutorial. I have used Royal Icing before on some of my cakes, but never really felt comfortable with it. I kept wanting to today we did! Love these!!! Enjoy!
So from my last post I sound a little on the dull side. I kinda think I am most times, depending on the group I am with. Sometimes however, I have the biggest list of things that I have done. I realize it's all relative and truly depends on who reading the post. I am going to take this one a different angle and let you count up how many things you have done from it - again....just to see how boring I am.
Things I have done...
What about you? Let me see your lists.
Things I have done...
- Taken a cake decorating class
- Seen the Mona Lisa
- Snorkled in Jamaica
- Used royal icing
- Been an officer in a sorority
- Gotten hired on the spot
- Owned a guinea pig
- Pierced my own ear
- Stared at the David statue longer than was polite
- Hit a dog in my car (dog lived)
- Sung in Notre Dame
- Been to a UK Bowl Game
- Left my 2 yr with grandparents for 10 days
- Ridden the coaster above New York New York Casino
- Bought a car model for selfish reasons
- Driven all night to Florida
- Eaten caviar
- Been in a car crash
- Walked through New Orleans
- Been to the top of the Eiffle Tower
- Been a Maid of Honor
- Mooned a trucker
- Dated a fraternity boy
- Kissed a minister - before he was officially clergy
- Embarrassed myself in Target
- Ridden in a gondola in Italy
- Been accused of shoplifting in WalMart - by "entering" the store with tags on my clothes
- Eaten sushi
- Been to an SEC tournament
- Paid a $100 bar tab
- Baited my own hook
- Driven a boat
- Ridden a motorcycle
- Shopped alone in Florencia
- Gone on vacation with zero accomodations
- Taken photography classes
- Been a nanny - 4 years
- Marched in the Walt Disey parade
- Been drum major
- Recieved scholarships for the viola
- Been a camp counselor - 6 years
- Had an epidural
- Thrown out an entire wardrobe - "What Not to Wear" style
- Worn hot pink hooker heels - to a rehearsal dinner
- Been baptised
- Serenaded someone
- Admired someone from a far
- Prayed for my salvation
- Been on a competitive dance team
- Taken Paxil
- Participated in Greek Sing as a soloist
- Displayed a piece of art
- Been published as an author
- Failed a class
- Taken driver's ed
- Won a high school tennis match
- Purchased 7 pounds of powdered sugar
- Had my heart broken
- Been in a musical
- Enrolled in counseling
- Smoked
- Been to a drag show
- Chipped a tooth
- Ridden the Amtrack
- Been to traffic school
- Picked blueberries
- Finished a book I hated
- Owned tailgating equipment
- Felt like a great mom / lousy mom in the same day
- Recieved a scholarship from Discover Card
- Been in a Book Club
- Been in a Girl's Night Out group
- Considered running away
- Played it safe by following in a friend's footsteps
- Deliberately not answered a phone
- Pulled over by a conservation officer
- Procrastinated
- Bit my lip when I wanted to scream
- Made 300 little jellies in jars
- Owned season basketball tickets
- Lived on my own
- Researched the temperament of a dog breed
- Bought a new living room suit
- Shot clay pigeons
- Killed time just to kill it
- Had braces
- Fed a pelican
- Heckled a comedian
- Walked the train tracks
- Worn a boy's class ring
- Slept all day
- Been camping
- Planted a garden
- Become a Dave Ramsey believer
- Taken steps to join a small group at church
- Thrown a surprise party
- Surprised by a surprise party
- Been lost in the woods
- Gone to 4 proms
- Been blessed with 2 children that act just like my husband and me
- Married someone who is more passionate than I am
- Surrounded myself with people that make me a better person
What about you? Let me see your lists.
me me me
Monday, February 15, 2010
Things I've never done....
I know there's more. Some of these I still want to do. Others I am happy I've never done. What about you? What would YOU add to this list if it were yours?
- Seen Pulp Fiction
- Been on a treadmill (until last week)
- Been to California
- Owned a convertible
- Run longer than 5 minutes straight
- Watched Lost
- Baked a Quiche
- Been arrested
- Seen Sex In The City
- Baked a Turkey
- Lettered in a sport
- Lit a firework
- Painted a room in my house
- Stripped wallpaper
- Read Harry Potter
- Had my eyebrows done
- Been on a game show
- Done my taxes
- Bungee-jumped
- Bought a new car
- Picked out carpet
- Been on a cruise
- Roller-bladed
- Bought a pair of jeans over $40
- Watched an entire Nascar race
- Worn cleats
- Walked across a large bridge
- Hunted for live animals
- Owned a reptile
- Thrown a drink at someone
- Been in a study group
- Had a coctail in NYC
- Asked for an autograph
- Been on a liquid diet
- Tasted Red Bull
- Not been a red head
- Taken shots of Jaggermeister
- Had engagement photo taken
- Worn red lipstick
- Lived outside of KY
- Dated someone who wasn't causcasian
- Gotten in a fist fight
- Sung a solo at church
- Used ProActive
- Had an espresso
- Thought of entering anyone in a pagaent
- Smoked something illegal
- Had a C-section
- Eaten a sardine
- Ridden in a police car
- Tailgated for a pro team
- Ice skated on a pond
- Fried sausage
- Gone hiking for fun
- Decorated a room from scratch
- Bought new baby furniture
- Gotten a tattoo
- Eaten an oyster
- Had short hair
- Cooked dinner for more than 15 people
- Worn stilletos
- Cooked a lobster
- Donated blood
- Stayed up all night
me me me
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Car washes, First shoes for Scotty and Birthday Parties are what we have done today!!
Productivity feels soooo good :) Shawna
Friday, February 12, 2010
NOTE: Photos do not match the story.......
" you think that he'll do this every Februrary?"
Those were Lainie's exact words tonight after "the boys" surprised us girls with a night of fine dining, exquisit drink and candelescence...Calmes style.
The boys cooked for me and Lainie.
Every been to the Melting Pot? We have....for "$40 snacks" according to Lainie, on a Momma / kids evening in December. Scott and I had been with couples a few times before that, but it is seriously a rare treat. Instead, tonight, Scott brought it to us.
We had 2 course fondue - extra sharp cheedar with apples, asiago bread and veggies, and turtle chocolate lovers for dessert - with bananas, strawberries, rice krispies and sugar cookies. For the main course, we had pan fried surf and turf, potatoes, broccolli and cauliflower and wine. Lainie had sparkling grape juice. We ate out of our wedding china and drank from the very few pieces of crystal we own from the wedding nearly 10 years ago.
With some easy jazz playing from the Pandora app on my Iphone (that's a whole other - Oh My Gah! I love it post!)...we had a great evening. The hubs even did the dishes. Seriously - Renaissance.
To that I say Happy Valentine luvs! You are very appreciated for standing beside me, taking care of us and pushing us on to brighter tomorrows. The kids and I love you very much!
Happy Valentine's Day from Lainie and her K Valentine party day at school!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
And the house was quiet. Dark. Lonely. It was totally empty and aside from a really barking dog, no sound of any kind was coming from it. My husband is gone and you can tell it the moment you pull up to the house.
He is in Maryland at the moment. Nothing exciting - well nothing that is unless you consider he is getting several hundred $$ for being there. So in that case, I'd say it's pretty exciting, all be it lonely here alone without him.
He has skills. Mad skills. And because of all of those skills, he is able to do many things...therefore having a variety of jobs. I laugh and tell people that I married a Renaissance man. When I laugh, it really is just to see if people believe me, because, yes I married a Renaissance man. He can cook, clean, build, design, figure, conquer and complete just about anything you set in front of him. Because he is so well rounded, tonight's endeavor is a testament to his "up for anything" personality. Tonight - he is the "wide load" guy.
But today he is bringing home several hundreds for his 14 hr day. Not too bad. To that I say, may our house be quiet and our pockets be full. Come on home good buddy! 10-4....over and out. $$$$$$
He is in Maryland at the moment. Nothing exciting - well nothing that is unless you consider he is getting several hundred $$ for being there. So in that case, I'd say it's pretty exciting, all be it lonely here alone without him.
He has skills. Mad skills. And because of all of those skills, he is able to do many things...therefore having a variety of jobs. I laugh and tell people that I married a Renaissance man. When I laugh, it really is just to see if people believe me, because, yes I married a Renaissance man. He can cook, clean, build, design, figure, conquer and complete just about anything you set in front of him. Because he is so well rounded, tonight's endeavor is a testament to his "up for anything" personality. Tonight - he is the "wide load" guy.
That's not our truck, but you get the point.
Seriously. Of the dozen or so jobs the man has over the course of a year, this is one of the infrequent ones, but he follows trucks. 18 wheeler types. Across state lines. For money. He drives and talks on cb's and drives some more. Did I mention he gets paid. To drive. And to talk.
He's good at it too. He practices a lot when we are in town and whenever he runs errands for me. Drives and talks. But he usually doesn't cross state lines and I never pay him for driving / talking.But today he is bringing home several hundreds for his 14 hr day. Not too bad. To that I say, may our house be quiet and our pockets be full. Come on home good buddy! 10-4....over and out. $$$$$$
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
My laptop is here and I am back to the world of normalcy. Well, by normalcy, I mean normal for me. You know....not having to tote 2 kids and a dog past the kid gate, down the stairs and to the cold dark TV room that houses our very old, albeit working PC. I know I mentioned it in the last three weeks ago, but the keys stick and so all of the writing I had been doing looked something like this....wouldn'tyouhateitifeverythingyoutypedlookedlikethis,iknowyouwould! YUK! The laptop is upstairs, in the kitchen, where my family is at the moment and I am happy!
As I celebrate the return of my mental share-out, I feel the need to prepare myself for the ways things truly are - or have been, the ways I am really feeling, whether they are good or bad. For the most part, everybody that reads my blog are either friends, family members or co-workers, so truthfully, I sometimes have to revise, edit and filter my thoughts to keep from hurting anyone or confusing someone more than I am. The oddest part is though, I have become addicted to my Google Reader account....darn you Jenn and I get to listen to the good, bad and the ugly of all of the bloggers that I follow. Not sure if it's a healthy thing or not, but they always seem to feel better that they were honest. I can see how this might make one feel good...ya know?
I'll start by first blog back as a get to know Shawna blog, how about that? If it interests you, maybe you'll keep reading. Hopefully, I too won't disappoint and this can continue for quite some time. I need a release here lately, and hopefully, this may be it.
Name: Shawna - named after a cute checkout girl at K-Mart. Ask my Dad.
Biases: Sloppy handwriting, barking dogs, capable people who insist on others doing things for them
My vices: Diet Coke, Reading, Sleeping.
Fears: Disappointing someone, not seeming perfect, fuzzy spiders, bloody gore scenes in movies
Private things people don't really know: I replay scenarios in my head hundreds of times to see if what I did was right, I'd rather hang out with one person I know really well than get to know hundreds and try to "network" with them, I prefer to do everything myself and then complain about it bad.
Things I like about me: I can cook (or at least make an effort at....some people might disagree), I try things just for the sake of saying I have, I can walk into situations and appear confident - focus on the word "appear". At least it's better than wigging out where people notice.
I love: My kids, My family, my hubs, little red cars, fountain diet cokes, John Grisham anything, clean garages and real friends.
I am glad to be back. I am hoping to start feeling better. I need to figure out who I am and what I want.....I hope you are ok with listening. *Wink*
As I celebrate the return of my mental share-out, I feel the need to prepare myself for the ways things truly are - or have been, the ways I am really feeling, whether they are good or bad. For the most part, everybody that reads my blog are either friends, family members or co-workers, so truthfully, I sometimes have to revise, edit and filter my thoughts to keep from hurting anyone or confusing someone more than I am. The oddest part is though, I have become addicted to my Google Reader account....darn you Jenn and I get to listen to the good, bad and the ugly of all of the bloggers that I follow. Not sure if it's a healthy thing or not, but they always seem to feel better that they were honest. I can see how this might make one feel good...ya know?
I'll start by first blog back as a get to know Shawna blog, how about that? If it interests you, maybe you'll keep reading. Hopefully, I too won't disappoint and this can continue for quite some time. I need a release here lately, and hopefully, this may be it.
Name: Shawna - named after a cute checkout girl at K-Mart. Ask my Dad.
Biases: Sloppy handwriting, barking dogs, capable people who insist on others doing things for them
My vices: Diet Coke, Reading, Sleeping.
Fears: Disappointing someone, not seeming perfect, fuzzy spiders, bloody gore scenes in movies
Private things people don't really know: I replay scenarios in my head hundreds of times to see if what I did was right, I'd rather hang out with one person I know really well than get to know hundreds and try to "network" with them, I prefer to do everything myself and then complain about it bad.
Things I like about me: I can cook (or at least make an effort at....some people might disagree), I try things just for the sake of saying I have, I can walk into situations and appear confident - focus on the word "appear". At least it's better than wigging out where people notice.
I love: My kids, My family, my hubs, little red cars, fountain diet cokes, John Grisham anything, clean garages and real friends.
I am glad to be back. I am hoping to start feeling better. I need to figure out who I am and what I want.....I hope you are ok with listening. *Wink*
me me me
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